At Living Hope Pregnancy Center, we believe that the people in our community matter. We believe that everyone should be able to receive evidence-based information and care regardless of where you are in life. Because of this, all of our services are confidential and free of charge. Get in touch to find out more or to book an appointment.

If you suspect that you might be pregnant, you may have a million thoughts running through your head.Â
Deep breath.
Before your mind jumps into all of the "What if..." scenarios, come in for a free, confidential pregnancy test.
What foods should I avoid during pregnancy? How do I pick the right provider for me? When can the baby hear our voices? We cover these questions and many more in our classes. Plus, you can talk to other parents who have been there and have a wide range of prenatal and birth experiences.
It's true... a lot of parenting comes from instincts. However, it doesn't hurt to stay up to date on the most recent studies and research. Our parenting classes are for moms, dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and anyone else that is there to support you in raising your little one. We'll even make you a fresh cup of coffee.
Nothing can fully prepare you for the loss of your child. It can seem nearly impossible to navigate the grief, emptiness, and all of the other feelings that have settled in. It may feel like it right now, but you aren't in this alone. We are here to support you and your family through this immensely difficult time regardless of where you are in the journey.
While we do offer information on abortions and abortion alternatives,
this center does not perform or refer for abortions.